Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bluegaze and Ivykit

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Waterstone for a clan meeting!" Applestar called, her voice strong and tight through the hallow.

As soon as her clan was called and every cat was accounted for, Applestar continued: "Today, we welcome two new cats to our strong clan! Bluegaze and Ivykit! Bluegaze will serve under RippleClan as a warrior, while Ivykit is a new kit! I hope our queens, Berryblossom and Kestrelfire, will watch her as if she where their own."

"Bluegaze! Ivykit! Bluegaze! Ivykit!" the cats of RippleClan cheered proudly, welcoming the two new she-cats to their clan.

"Meeting dismissed!" Applestar meowed, leaping off of the Waterstone.

Okay, important note. Not many people have been very active on this blog. Only, so far, these people have been active:

Glitter Gold

If you WEREN'T on this list, and you have joined, I would suggest that you become more active. This does not apply to Frostfeather, seeing as how you've only just joined. 

BE MORE ACTIVE! (To the people who weren't on the list.)


♦--♥Alado/Shade/Storm♥--♦ said...

Flameclaw welcomed the two she-cats with a nod of his head before sitting down.

Shiverkit began to walk towards Ivykit but stopped. She stayed where she was.

Eden/Lilac said...

Ivykit noticed Shiverkit's hesitation and felt disappointed with herself. Does she not like me? Am I doing something that seems weird to clan cats? She thought.

After replying to Flameclaw with a nod, Bluegaze looked around at her new clanmates. She wanted to get to know them, after all, she was going to live with them for the rest of her life.

Brooke said...

"Bluegaze! Ivykit! Bluegaze! Ivykit!" Embersky cheered joyfully, a purr rising in her throat. When the meeting was dismissed she padded over to Bluegaze and gave a quick nod. "Welcome to RippleClan." She meowed warmly. "I'm Embersky. I'd be happy to show you around if you'd like."

{Applestar-You aren't alone. I know how you feel. When your Clan gets even bigger it'll be much harder. Your good blogger friends will always comment on your Clan, though. ;) Some people join just to join, and it's pretty disappointing.}

♦--♥Alado/Shade/Storm♥--♦ said...

Shiverkit kept quiet. She didn't want to talk to anyone... yet.

Anonymous said...

Kestrelfire walked over to Ivykit and gave her a warm smile. She paused in front of her and mewed, "Hello. I am Kestrelfire. I hope that if you ever need anything, you won't be afraid to ask me."